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Saturday, April 27, 2013


What the heck does X stand for?? Hmmmm, There just isn't much that comes to mind except the letter X in the game of Scrabble. It is a letter that I'm always happy to draw because it's worth 8 points and that 8 points can really add up when used in combination with one of its two letter words.

Two letter X words include:

XI - The 14th letter of the Greek alphabet

XU - A coin formerly minted by South Vietnam equivalent to the cent

OXAn adult castrated bull of the genus Bos

AX - an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle

EX - The 24th letter of the Roman alphabet

The other things that came to mind for X were:

1. X marks the spot, as in right here

2. X-mark, as in signature

3. X-factor, as in what is the X-factor that sparks your creativity? My X-factor according my other half is to selling enough of my jewelry to buy him a big screen TV... HA! ☺

May you always BEAD happy! ~Cova


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Maggie! And Thanks so much for following me!

  2. Interesting X facts! :)

    -Fellow blogger from A to Z!

  3. Didn't know about the coin. I used x-factor for my x post. The last few letters of the alphabet do pose a challenge.

    J.L. Campbell writes Jamaican Kid Lit

    1. Hi J. L., thanks so much for following my blog! I'm on my way over to catch up with yours!


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